Let’s make a movie called Out of Time.
Ran meets The Mountain Between Us meets Back to the Future.
The typical love story troupe of forced proximity, in which
enemies become forced allies, become friends upholding mutual respect,
become lovers. 

A Samurai from feudal Japan meets a modern law enforcement ranger.
Trapped together, combining their knowledge. This can’t be simply the brains
and the muscle. This can’t be a damsel in distress,
There is no Ying and yang, this is not so starkly contrasted.
This is a blend. This is murky. 

This is not a Peter Jackson film meant to put stars in the gazes
of the youth. This movie is Quentin Tarantino.
Rated R and warns of depictions of gore
and violence, sex, and nudity. It’s a movie where a man and a woman see the
absolute worst sides of one another and
find love anyway. 

In her story, she’s Angelina Jolie, the woman who never
completely opened up due to some tragic background story, which
made her stony, and closed off. Work and no play, her motto. The
very thing she saw reflected in him. The very thing that made her

But the guy has to be emotionally unavailable. Able to love but never put it
first. The girl has to want it more because that always
spells the end. He can’t be a Wickham, in fact
in his own story he isn’t the main character
but the Neji, who dies in order to push the hero. 

A film with dual-wielding, long swords, weapons made of stones and sticks,
of fending off wild animals known to neither of their worlds. A film of dark confessions
over gushing wounds, and shadows of love-making on cave walls
next to the firelight.
A story of two ruined souls merging. 

This can’t be the next Notebook, no
this is Titanic. This is duty over love not vice-versa.
This is not the story that ends with the guy choosing the girl
and living happily ever after. This is the story of two people
from two different worlds, falling deeply and irrevocably. This is about two souls

perfectly wrong for each other. 



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