We live in a world where certain novels are hailed as must-reads and showered with praise. Especially with things like BookTok, BookTube, and Bookstagram, which use these very prevalent social media sites as tools for marketing. They make it easy for everyday people to recommend and review books. This causes these works of fiction to gain traction and take over large chunks of the book communities on these social media platforms. You see it front and center every time you walk into a bookstore or the book section of a store. These popular books often dominate the world of literary conversations, stealing the spotlight. I’m here to confess, some of these titles will never grace my bookshelf.

Some for pretty valid reasons and concerns, others for aloof reasons that simply relate to my own preference. This article is definitely all about stirring the pot and sparking up some conversation. It’s not meant to dissuade anyone from experiencing these if they so choose. It’s a glimpse into the minds of my fellow individuals who like to swim against the current from time-to-time.

Crave by Tracy Wolff

I’ve seen this in the Book Tok section of Barnes and Nobles countless times. The cover gives me Twilight vibes... I hate Twilight. I also hate anything with Vampires...probably because of Twilight 

My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell 

This one always pops up in recommendation videos everywhere. Soo a 15-year-old girl has an affair with her 40-year-old teacher? Are y’all okay? I get it probably explores the physiological trauma and more heavy topics of the matter but it’s just not my cup of tea. Also, I hate the cover. 

A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara 

So, he’s sad for 800 pages? No thanks. I don’t hate myself enough. Also, the man on the cover looks like Jim Carrey, I would never take it seriously. Amazon recommended this one to me. Although TikTok had already praised it to the heavens and back. 

Anything By Colleen Hoover 

My dislike for Colleen Hoover is quite distinct for someone who's never read a book of hers. It could be because I see one of them every time I turn a corner. The plot of Ugly Love is quite literally everything I have ever hated in a female character. Begging a man to love you? I would rather swallow a jean jacket. Whole. The fact that she tried to make a coloring book of It Ends With Us as if the book is not muddled with domestic violence. The controversy currently following her son. The horrendous quotes I've seen from her work.

The fact that all her names are so boring. Reminders of Him, Regretting You, Hopeless, etc. It’s half-hearted and then followed up with the stock photo covers. It’s inexcusable for someone to sell millions of copies and make movie deals. Just in general she feels to me like the kind of author people who don’t really read flock too. It reminds me of Wattpad writing. These popular books are for people who never had their Wattpad phase, so they encounter these books and think they’re literary masterpieces. 

People We Meet On Vacation by Emily Henry 

It’s not specific to just this book. It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey is another good example of this but I hate these kinds of covers and I avoid them like the plague. They’re lazy and uninteresting. In my mind it represents the nature of the writing I'll likely find in the book.  

Anything By Stephen King 

Mainly his work intimidates me. But along with that I kind of unfairly categorize him the same way I do James Patterson. As this entity who just pumps out these popular books like a machine, and as a result they lack feeling and personality. 

After by Anna Todd 

This was originally a one direction fanfiction. The plot is just like It Ends with Us minus the domestic violence and insert emotional manipulation. I even watched the movie and yeah, I can smell the bad writing from here. 

The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes 

The plot sounds ridiculous. This old man she’s never heard of dies, leaves her an inheritance, but she has to live with all his grandsons. It gives me Harem vibes. I also hate the cover. 

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K Rowling 

I love Harry Potter. In fact, I even liked the little Fantastical Beasts offshoot, but I hate it when an author doesn’t know how to let something rest. 

The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han 

I hate those summer beach house stories. That’s exactly what this is. The vibes are just not it. 

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne 

I don’t care if the book was better, nothing good can come from that horrible movie. 

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